Morning with Messiah
Daily Devotion
By Dr Aqsa W Johnson
3 January, 2024
Verses of the day
Genesis 5:1–7:24. Psalm 3:1–8
Proverbs 1:10–19. Matthew 3:7—-4:11

Jesus was tempted in wilderness three times, with three different temptations.
1.The lust of the flesh : tempter said ” tell these stones to become bread”to fulfil the need of flesh. Matthew 4:3
2.The pride of life : tempter said ” throw yourself down. For it is written ” He will command his angels concerning you…………” Mathew 4:6 tempted him in pride of life
3:Lust of the eyes : tempter showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. Mathew 4:8. tempted him in lust if eyes.
Each time Jesus answered by using a quotations from the word of God and overcome on temptation. We also tempted every day in these three areas of our life 1John 2:16. If we want to overcome we have to filled with the word of God and respond to temptations in the same way as Jesus did by using the Word of God.
Remember Eve was also tempted in the garden of Eden in these three areas but could not overome. Genesis3:6.
If we want to overcome like Jesus we have to listen to the word not to the devil its our choice to think which voice we are responding.
Remember: Over Come Temptations
God Bless You